Sunday, September 1, 2013

First week: I'm a teacher!

Hi friends and family,
I've decided to start a blog which will follow my journey this year as a missionary teacher to Honduras!
I'd love for you all to come along with me on this adventure and this is one great way for you to do that.

It's been three weeks already in Honduras - - can't believe how fast the time is flying by. I have a feeling this school year will fly by even faster! This past week was my first week as a teacher. It was definitely a crazy ride, but I am so thankful for a God that promises to "never leave us nor forsake us." I definitely depended on Jesus and needed Him for every moment as I experienced the amazing and yet bumpy ride of being a first time teacher!
Before I tell you more about my week, I'd like to talk to you more about the program we're using and what my role is. First of all, this school uses the ACE program, which is a Christian approach to learning and stresses the importance of character building. This program uses "paces" which are subjects that each of the children completes individually as some may be in different levels of math, science, reading, and so on. I am there to help the children in these subjects and to make sure they are testing and scoring correctly. I not only help with paces, but I teach the elective classes for my second graders. I also help teach two electives for the first graders! The electives I teach are agropecuaria (agriculture), art, music, and physical education.  I am excited to be teaching this program and to be helping train future leaders for Honduras! This country needs to start rebuilding from the ground up - and part of that is by training future leaders to spark change in a country that desperately needs to be revamped. 
Tuesday was my first day - - it was definitely a blur! I have helped teach sunday school, taught CEF summer Bible clubs, and grew up with six children, but being a teacher is a whole different experience! My past experiences and background have helped me as I become a teacher, but this week was a learning experience as I navigated the classes and the students. Part of my biggest hurdle on Tuesday was classroom management. It sounds so simple but it is something that can make or break a classroom! After class on Tuesday, I prayed for the Lord to give me wisdom as I learn what it means to run a classroom efficiently and create a fun environment at the same time. I also asked for advice from my director here as well as friends/family that gave me great perspectives, fun ideas, and sound wisdom. The following days were a lot better as I implemented some wisdom given to me and prayed in situations when I didn't know exactly what to do, but I knew that God does! 
Something that stood out to me last week during one of my quiet times was 1 Corinthians 13. This chapter speaks about the importance of love and truly encouraged me as I felt discouraged at some points. I remember feeling so exhausted and overwhelmed on Tuesday night as I cried out to God and said, "God, I just graduated with a PR degree. I've had business management and communication classes - this is over my head! I don't have enough knowledge!" But then, as I read that chapter, the verses stuck out to me like never before. Please take a moment to read that chapter and then come back to my blog. As I read the verses, my heart was touched. It doesn't matter how much knowledge or experience I have, I will learn...but what does matter this year is showing my students God's love and just loving them. God knew I needed to read that chapter...and at that moment...and He helped me to refocus my gaze back to Him and back on His mission. He took my discouragement and replaced it with joy and peace! I know that everyday has it's own set of problems, but I know that we serve a Savior that is living and is on the throne....and with Him, "ALL things are possible."
I am teaching a beautiful group of children with a range of ages! They range from six years old to ten. I have five children in my second grade class and the other children are from the community. They are so sweet - a lot of them give me back their worksheets after they are done as a gift. Please pray for wisdom, motivation, and peace in their hearts and minds as we start week two already. :)
Please continue to lift me up this week, too!  I am excited to jump back into the classroom and help my students learn more about Jesus and learn more in their classes!

Love you all - thanks for your support across many miles! Praying for you!

In Him, 


  1. Beka - some words of your blog stuck out to me and reminded me of a scripture Matt 6:31-34.

    “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God[a] above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
    34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." NLT

    You are doing the right things - keeping focusing on God and giving all your concerns to Him. He already has the answer prepared for you. Love you - Beka

  2. Hi Beka!
    I'm so happy that you started this blog! Those kids are so blessed to have you teaching and loving on them!!

  3. Thank you for your prayers and love Martha and Wendy! You two are major blessings in my life - - your support is a God send! Love you both <3
