Saturday, November 9, 2013

November: Peace

Well, hello!
Tomorrow marks my three month anniversary in Honduras! As I reflect on the past three months, I am in awe of what the Lord has done in my life, in my classroom, and in the lives of these precious children. What a great God we serve! The Lord continues to amaze me and challenge me daily as I walk with Him during this journey He is guiding me through.
In this post, I would like to share with you what God has been teaching me. I am so grateful that our peace does not depend on circumstances, but on Jesus. Ephesians 2:14 says, "He (Jesus) himself is our peace." How different our peace levels would be if we focused our eyes more on Jesus and less on our surroundings! The Lord is teaching me moment by moment that my peace does not depend on anything else but Him. I am human and during stressful moments, such as children fighting, it is easy to focus more on the circumstances and how I can solve the problem and less on the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ (Hebrews 12:2).
How do we keep our eyes on Jesus and have a deep, abiding peace? It is only through a personal, vibrant walk with Jesus Christ. I love how Beth Moore, a Christian author and speaker, put it when she said, "As a river is continually renewed with the moving waters of springs and streams, so our peace comes from an active, ongoing, obedient relationship with the Prince of Peace." That is the truth and I know it to be true. A living relationship with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords is not stagnant, it is constantly moving! And the Lord is showing me through every situation that I encounter both in and out of the classroom that He is where my peace is found and He is my only, "refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble,"(Psalm 46:1).
The Lord is also continually showing me how much I need Him. We need Jesus, there's no way around that. There are so many situations and interactions that happen throughout the day that I need the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to decipher as the Lord uses me to train and teach these beautiful children. And Praise the Lord that we have a God that, "gives to all generously and without reproach," and wants us to seek His wisdom in our lives (James 1:5). Just as I need the Lord's wisdom, so do you my friend. We all do! And when we seek the Lord and call on His name, He will "answer us and show us great and mighty things," (Jeremiah 33:3).
My walk with the Lord has deepened during the past three months that I have been in Honduras and the Lord has continue to mold my heart and break it for what breaks His. The cry of my heart is to be a woman so in love with the Lord that His love just pours right out of me and unto other people! And I want my precious students and all of the students at our school to truly find this peace and to find healing and love through the ultimate joy-giver, healer, and loving Father: Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your prayers, for your messages, for your financial support, and for your thoughts! I am blessed beyond words to have such a strong network of believers that are supporting me in numerous ways while I am here, and I am so thankful for that. If you would like me to speak at your church while I'm home on Christmas break, please send me a Facebook message or an email. I would love to do a short talk at area churches while I'm home and share what God is doing in a country I love!
